Being part of your team and portraying this to your callers in the most professional manner, sometimes needs us to be aware of your availability through calendar management.
If you don’t already use Google Calendars, we will set up a calendar for you and simply email you a link to it. You can view and update it online when you need to. The amazing thing about Google Calendars is that you can access your diary from anywhere that there is an internet connection, and even your iPhone, Blackberry or any other Smart Phone even if you only have a 3G connection.
We manage diaries in the following sectors:
Oven Cleaning – we check availability and book appointments
Beauty Training – we book beauticians onto further courses
Restaurant – we check availability and book tables
Domestic Cleaning – we check availability and book appointments
Consultancy – we check availability and patch calls through
Estate Agency Viewings – we check availability and patch calls through